ITM Factory – Information Technology Modernisation Factory

Application maintenance represents about 80 per cent of the computer market (at the French and global level). The challenge of software maintenance is to keep running applications with technologies that are no longer required to be maintained and with changing development teams and whose skills are not always validated on ancient languages. The main goal of the ITM Factory is to propose a software modernization framework, based on the ModDisco project and including: (i) an integrated workbench for software modernization engineers and (ii) a set of ready to use modernization cartirdges, i.e., a solution brick that meets a business challenge level, as opposed to a technical bricks that provides technical solutions that are integrated into a business solution.

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Project Reference Card

Title: ITM Factory – Information Technology Modernisation Factory
Researcher's beneficiary organization: Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (Inria)
Other beneficiary organizations:
Soft-Maint, Mia-Software, ACAPNOS, MMA
Duration: Start date: 01/12/2012
End date: 31/05/2014
Area: National Project type: Competitive R&D project
Funding entity: Fonds Unique Interministeriel, France
Reference: FUI - AAP 13
Total amount: €3,200,000.00
Type of participation: Team Member
Project URL: