MegaM@Rt2 – A scalable model-based framework for continuous development and runtime validation of complex systems

European industry faces stiff competition on the global arena. The electronic systems become more and more complex and call for modern engineering practices to tackle productivity and quality. The model-driven technologies promise significant productivity gains, which have been proven in several studies. However, these technologies need more development to scale for real-life industrial projects and provide advantages in runtime. MegaM@Rt brings the model-driven engineering to the next level in order to help European industry to reduce development and maintenance costs as well as to reinforce productivity and quality.

The overall approach of MegaM@Rt is to scale up the use of model-based techniques by offering proper methods and related tooling interacting between both design time and runtime, as well as to validate the designed and developed approach in concrete industrial cases involving complex systems. Thanks to the model-based method, different systems will be able to communicate through the entire development chain, and moreover it will be possible for systems in operation to feed back the collected data for continued development.

MegaM@Rt will strengthen European scientific and technical leadership in the development of complex systems. MegaM@Rt targets the following main impact objectives:

  • Significantly increased productivity and quality of system development and shorten time-to-market for complex systems.
  • Reinforced European scientific and technological leadership in the design of complex systems.
  • Improved competitiveness of European companies that rely on the design and integration of complex systems in their products by reducing design and maintenance costs as well as the time-to-market.
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Project Reference Card

Title: MegaM@Rt2 – A scalable model-based framework for continuous development and runtime validation of complex systems
Researcher's beneficiary organization: Fundació per a la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Other beneficiary organizations:
Brno University of Technology, CAMEA, spol. s r.o.,Atos Spain S.A., University of Cantabria,IKERLAN S. Coop., Fent Innovative Software Solutions, Softeam, Thales, ClearSy System Engineering, ARMINES, Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, Smartesting Solutions & Services, Tekne, Università degli Studi dell’Aquila, Intecs Solutions SpA, Ro Technology srl, Åbo Akademi University, AinaCom Oy, Space Systems Finland Ltd., Nokia Networks, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Conformiq Software Oy, SICS Swedish ICT Västerås AB, Mälardalen University, Volvo Construction Equipment AB, Bombardier Transportation Sweden AB
Duration: Start date: 01/04/2017
End date: 31/03/2020
Area: European Union Project type: Competitive R&D project
Reference: ECSEL - JU 737494 Programme: ECSEL-JU
Total amount: €15,786,694.00
Type of participation: Team Member
Project URL: