National Network on Web Services

The spanish network on web services aims to bring together research groups and companies and exploring the main scientific and technical challenges in this area. This network has two main priorities. First, to promote the scientific excellence of the web engineering and web services community, e.g., by expanding international collaborations and projects. Secondly, to spread the adoption of web services technologies at industrial level, through initiatives such as the realization of industrial doctorates or the participation in business clusters and technological platforms.

Project Reference Card

English Title: National Network on Web Services
Original Title: Servicios web: Ingeniería, Tecnologías y Arquitectura
Researcher's beneficiary organization: Universitat Politècnica de València
Duration: Start date: 06/03/2008
End date: 05/03/2009
Area: National Project type: Competitive R&D project
Funding entity: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia
Reference: TIN2007-29678-E
Total amount: €9,000.00
Principal Investigator: Esperanza Marcos Martínez
Type of participation: Team Member